Friday, July 28, 2006

Just finished

"The Taleb's jinn", Watercolour on paper

This painting was completed yesterday and represents a wee bit of a struggle, but I think it was ultimately worth it.
A Taleb is a student of the magic arts. "Moroccans seem very suggestible to occult practices, genies and the like." 'The plurals "jinn"'. They're taken seriously:even intellectuals look over their shoulders in case a genie is following.
(taken from- "The city in the 1960s" by Anthony Gladstone-Thompson)
The lamp is a contemporary creation, but I like the juxtaposition of the modern object with ancient symbolism.


Anonymous said...

Superb piece of work. Your skills as an artist grow and become stronger with every new work. Looking forward to see where the artistic journey will take you next.

Angus McEwan said...

Thanks Doug.Hope your show is going well. Will we see you soon?

P.S. said...

this is amazing indeed! ...
Never seen before...